Thursday, November 30, 2006


DJs Are Persons
TOP 10
1. Point One vs Wireblock - Everybody Fonki
2. Chateau Flight- Baroque
3. Max Essa - Aztec
4. ESG - Dance
5. Betty Botox - Rvng of the Nrds Vol 2
6. Walter Jones - Deuteronomy Brown / The Odyssey Sound
7. Justin Timberlake - My Love (DFA mix)
8. Bakazou - Don Quixote
9. Herve - See Me
10. Voodoo Chilli Vs Trevor Loveys - Look What You've Done


La primera vez que oí el termino Balearic fue alla en el año 90 cuando se produjo al 2do verano del amor, la revolucion house, Ibiza, el Extasis de buena calidad. etc. Todo era fresco, groovy y aun no padeciamos los infames compilados de Cafe Del Mar.

Hoy en dia el adjetivo se volvió mas amplio y abstracto y se aplica a la musica que, me animo a decir, sugiere un estado de relax similar al de estar cerca del mar en una hermosa playa. Si escuchan un tema, lo combinan mentalmenbte con el sonido de las olas y las gaviotas y el resultado es aceptable, es probable que el tema sea balearic. Seguramente hay mejores definiciones, :)

2 canciones balearic:

La primera es de 1989. Un clasico de las pistas de todo el mundo: Sueño Latino. Dato curioso: los responsables de este tema son tambien conocidos como Righeira y son autores de los mega hits "Vamos a la playa" y "No tengo dinero"!!

Sueño Latino - Sueño Latino

El 2do, y mas actual, es un re edit hecho por Quiet Village Project, un duo formado Joel Martin y el genial Matt Edwards tambien conocido por sus alias Radioslave y Rekid. El sello se llama Whatever We Want y sus releases no son nada faciles de conseguir. De lo mejor del 2006. Seguiremos informando acerca del sello en futuros posts, mantengan la sintonía.

Quiet Village Project - Too High To Move


The first time I've heard the term Balearic applied to music, was in 1990 when the 2nd summer of love occurred. The house revolution, Ibiza, the good quality E, etc. All was fresh, groovy and, fortunately, we still no had the infamous Café Del Mar compilations.

Nowadays the adjective became wider and more abstract and applies to the kind of music that takes you to a relaxed state similar to that you have when you’re close to the edge in a beautiful beach. In other words, if you listen to a track, you mix it mentally with the sound of the waves and the seagulls and the result is acceptable, then maybe you have a Balearic one. There are better "balearic" definitions around I know… :)

2 balearic tunes:

The first one is from 1989. It’s a classic in the dance floors from all around the World: Sueño Latino. Curious fact: the authors of this track are also known as Righeira and under this alias they produced the huge hits “Vamos a la Playa” and “No tengo Dinero”.

The second, and more actual, one is a re edit done by Quiet Village Project, a duo formed by Joel Martin and the great Matt Edwards AKA Radioslave and Rekid. The label is called Whatever We Want and its releases are not easy to get.We think WWW is one of the best labels of 2006 and we’ll keep writing about it in future posts. Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Es hora de empezar a bloguear!

En estas semanas hemos contactado a mucha gente y afortunadamente la mayoria ha accedido a hacer mixes para nosotros, es decir, para ustedes.

Tambien en extensas reuniones hemos decidido que:

1. Djs Are Persons va a tener mp3! Hurrah!
2. Djs Are Persons intentará ser bilingue (español - ingles). Por favor, lectores, sepan disulpar nuestro primitvo uso del lenguaje.

Bueno... ya mismo arrancamos posteando con un par de temas "INGLES ESPAÑOL".

El primero es un oscuro clasico de las discotecas de los 80s. El nombre del artista es Lefturno (alias del productor Roy Be) , y el sello es Ascot. La parte rapeada en español es genial. Si les gustan los Chicken Lips van a disfrutar esto:

Lefturno - Out Of Sight

El segundo es un clasico absoluto: Transitions del legendario proyecto detroitiano Underground Resistance. Un tema que me catalogariamos como house de autoayuda :)

Underground Resistance - Transition


It's time to start blogging!

In the last weeks we've contacted lots of djs and producers and fortunately most of them said yes to make a mix for us, I mean, for you.

Also, in large meetings we've decided:

1. To make DJs Are Persons an mp3 blog! Hurrah!
2. To make DJs Are Persons bilingual, English and Spanish spoken. You readers: sorry in advance for our primitive use of the language.

So...we'll begin to post some "ENGLISH SPANISH" tracks.

The first one is an obscure classic from the 80s discotheques. The artist name is Lefturno (alias for the producer Roy Be), and the label is Ascot. The Spanish rapped part is pure genius. If you like Chicken Lips you gonna enjoy this.

The second one in an absolute classic: Transitions from the Detroit legendary project Underground Resistance. A track we would catalogue as self help house :)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuning Signal

Si! Otro podcastblogspace más contaminando la blogosfera!

DJs Are Persons esta pensado como un canal para promocionar la gente y música que nos gusta y, porque no, expresar profundos pensamientos sobre la condición humana, el sentido de la vida y trivialidades de esa índole.

Necesitamos comenzar la búsqueda de gente que nos ayude en esta iniciativa. Mientras tanto pueden escuchar el episodio 0 de nuestro podcast, titulado Tuning Signal, el cual esta repleto de bellas y soñadoras melodías que calmarán vuestra ansiedad.

Que lo disfruten!

Yes! Yet another podcastblogspace is polluting the blogosphere!

DJs Are Persons is intended to be a channel to promote the people and music we like and, why not, to express deep thoughts about the human condition, the meaning of life and bullshit like that.

We need to start searching people who can help us in this initiative. Meanwhile, you can listen to the Episode 0 of our podcast, entitled Tuning Signal, which is full of beautiful and dreamy melodies for smooth your anxiety.
