Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best of 2009: Juanma Grillo

Joe Goddard

Artist: Jay Z
Record: Major Lazer - Guns Don't Kill People... Lazers Do
Track: Joe Goddard - Go Bananas
Re Edit or Remix: A-Ha - Take On Me (The Twelves Remix)
DJ: Sonido Martines
Label: DFA Records
Blog: Mighty Real
Movie: District 9
The overrated/ Swindle of the year: Mauricio Macri
If there something you want to add? Saber si la gente piensa hacer algo con su ignorancia musical. /I'd like to know if people plan to do something regarding their music ignorance.

Joe Goddard - Go Bananas
(file removed on request)

Best of 2009: Lovefingers

Findlay Brown

Artist: TBD
Record: TBD - I Don't Know/What Is This?
Track: Findlay Brown ft. The Stallions - Stallions Suite
Re Edit or Remix: Dominik Von Senger - No Name 2009 (Con-Tiki Remix)
DJ: Justin Vandervolgen
Label: Golf Channel
Blog: The Growing Bin and Plaid Music
Swindle of the year: War / La guerra

TBD - What Is This?


So... what happened in 2009?

I REALLY don't know but... anyway, here are some of my favorites of the year

Jeremy Jay

Artists I liked: Azari & III, Jeremy Jay, Subway, Washed Out.
Records I liked: Slow Dance by Jeremy Jay, the Subway 2nd album, the Architeq debut album.
Tracks I liked: Winter Wonder by Jeremy Jay, Feel It All Around by Washed Out, Lowlife by Subway.
Re Edits and Remixes I liked: Get A Room! - Under The Vice.
DJs I liked: Mike Simonetti, El Mirlo.
Some labels: Golf Channel, Fright.
Some blogs: Mighty Real, The Acid Sweat Lodge.
Some movies: District 9, Adventureland, Drag Me To Hell.
The overrated: Animal Collective.

Have a nice 2010!!!

Jeremy Jay - Winter Wonder

What about your favorites of 2009?
Feel free to put them in the comments section.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Spaghetti Disco Mix

Hice un mix para el fabuloso blog Spaghetti Disco.
Pueden bajarlo aqui!

...o aqui mismo.

Premini Mix For Spaghetti Disco

01 Unknown Artist - Sermon (Serotonin Edit)
02 Dial 77 - I.C. Love Affair (David DePino Edit)
03 Flyrox - Funky Now
04 International Music System - Vanity Rap
05 Raff - Self Control
06 Blackway - New Life
07 Discodromo - Guinea (Andy Blake's Edit)
08 The Creatures - Machine's Drama
09 Robert Barre - Neanderthal Man (Marcello Giordani edit)
10 Get A Room! - Under the Vice
11 Den Harrow - Mad Desire (Instrumental)
12 Fuego - Gloria

Just did a mix for the awesome Spaghetti Disco.
You can download it from here.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Watch Out!

De repente me dieron ganas de postear esta joyita.
Casi 7 minutos de puro climax italo.

Suddenly I had the impulse of posting this gem.
Almost 7 minutes of pure italo climax.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Solar Apex

... ese el nombre del EP debut de la banda francesa Chateau Marmont para Unsunned, sublabel del famoso sello Institubes.
El disco esta repleto de sintetizadores vintage, melodias espaciales y vocoders: tres elementos que, combinados, le garantizan a una canción su presencia en este blog.
Aquí va el tema que le da nombre al EP.

Chateau Marmont - Solar Apex

...thats the name of the debut EP of the french band, Chateau Marmont for the Institubes sublabel Unsunned.
The record is full of vintage synths, spacey tunes and vocoders: three elements that, combined together, guarantee any track its presence on this blog.
Here's the track that gives name to the EP.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Get A Room!

Get A Room!, trio conformado por los franceses Rove Dogs y Jeff Lasson, acaba de editar un fantástico EP con 3 edits de lujo.
Si... otro disco mas de edits pero creanme, vale la pena. El disco salio por STC y su edición es super limitada.
A continuación les dejo el edit "Under The Vice", especie de slo mo synth pop ochentero que probablemente hubiese rockeado los stereos de Sonny y Rico.

Get A Room! - Under The Vice

... como bonus aquí va el video del track original.

Get A Room!, a trio formed by french producers Rove Dogs and Jeff Lasson, just released an aweseome EP with 3 luxury edits. Yes... yet another edits record, but believe me: it worths the buy.
The record was released by
STC in a very limited edition. Here's "Under The Vice", kind of 80s slo mo synth pop edit that would rock Sonny y Rico's stereos.
... and as a bonus I leave you the original song's video.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Walking In The Neon

Las dos ediciones de Walking In The Neon, el oscurísimo e implacable track de Peter Richard, permanecen en los radares de los coleccionistas desde 1983.
Es por eso que recientemente el label Disco Spacechip ha re editado el track de forma no oficial intentando calmar el hambre de los fans.
El fin de semana aun no termino.

Peter Richard - Walking In The Neon (12" Mix)

Both editions of the obscure and implacable Peter Richard's track Walking In The Neon have been in collectors radars since 1983.
That's why, in the aim to calm down the fans hunger, Disco Spaceship unoficially reissued this gem.
Weekend hasn't finished yet.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Music Never Ends

Environ acaba de editar el nuevo 12" de San Serac llamado Music Never Ends, y en un lado B contiene un muy housero y pegajoso remix de nuestro bienamado Morgan Geist.

Environ just released the new San Serac 12" called Music Never Ends with a very catchy Morgan Geist remix in it's b side.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Feelin balearic...

Womack & Womack - Baby I'm Scared Of You (Mark E Edit)

Mutant Fashiøn

La canción Move On de los ingleses Fashiøn es todo un clásico de la new wave.
El single fue editado en 1981, y en su lado B contiene una version alternativa increible titulada muy apropiadamente Mutant Dance Move.

Como bonus les dejo el video del track original que incluye motos, increibles peinados, un drumstick explosivo y humo, mucho humo.

Move On from Uk band Fashion is an absoulute new wave classic.
The single was released in 1981, and its b side has an incredible alternative version named Mutant Dance Move.
As a bonus here's the video of the original track that includes, bikes, amazing haircuts, an exploding drumstick and smoke, lots of smoke.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jeanette + Nelue

Algunas décadas atrás cuando todos estaban en pleno estado de fascinación por la chanson francaise, España no se quiso quedar atrás y presento al mundo las canciones de Jeanette, una especie de Jane Birkin ibérica.
Su tema mas conocido fue Por que te vas, cantado originalmente en castellano, y luego editado en francés y versinado por varios artistas.
Les dejo a continuación un maravilloso edit en plan balearic hecho por el Madrileño Nelue.

Some decades ago, when the world was fascinated by the chanson francaise, Spain went ahead and presented the songs of Jeanette, a kind of iberic Jane Birkin.
Her hit song was "Por que te vas", a track originally singed in Spanish, but then released in French and covered by a bunch of artists.
Here's a wonderful edit in a balearic vibe done by Madrid based Nelue.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

DAP Birthday Gifts: DJ Joven Sci-Fi Mostachole Mix

Segundo regalito firmando por DJ, blogger, y proselitista del bigote, Joven.
Un esplendido mix rebosante de fragancias exoticas y swing.

DJ Joven Sci-Fi Mostachole Mix


Fare Soldi - Fare Soldi Va a Milano
Lobt Noch Irrt - Heizgas Meter
Rubber Room – Taliban Discoteque
Major Swellings – Swingende Bjeller
Astro Black Stereo- Do It In The D.I.S.C.O.
In Flagranti –Dig Da Quill
Boney M - Ma Baker (C.O.M.B.I. Re-Edit)
Magazine 60 – Don Quichotte
The Delicate Genius - Mz Honda Bassline
Arthur Russell - Wax The Van (Ilija Rudman Remix)
In Flagranti- Where Is Miss Palmer?
Sofrito Specials – African Disco Power (Atlantic Conveyor Re-Work)
The Lovin’ Spoonful – Summer In The City (Peter Visti Edit)
Peter Visti-Rock Steady
Massara - Margeritha (Todd Terje Edit)
Plastic Mode - N.Y. Life

2nd gift, signed by DJ, blogger and moustache advocate Joven.
A splendid mix full of exotic fragances and swing, as usual.

DAP Birthday Gifts: Vanyla's Disconomade Mix

Comparto con uds. un regalo de cumpleaños recien llegado desde Chile, y firmado por Vanyla, DJ y responsable del super blog Privat.

DJ Vanyla - Disconomade Mix

Nomad Tracklisting:

Egg - Fugue In D Minor.
Way to the beach, mojitos & dark night
Etienne Daho - Signe Kiko.
Tesla Boy - Neon Boy.
Danger in the Nomadic Island.
Washed Out - Fell it all Around.
DeWolfe - Savannah Gold.
Love fire fly birds.
Dj Kaos - Love the Nite Away (Tiedye Mix)
Dibidim - I Woke up.
Ashford & Simpson - Babies (Dub Version)
Meanderthals - 1-800-288-Slam
Skatebard - Caravan

Here's a birthday gift I just received from Chile's finest Vanyla, DJ and creator of the awesome Privat blog.


Pic by robertita

Hoy se cumplen 3 anos desde mi primer post.
Quiero agradecerles por sus constantes visitas y su buen feedback.
Sigan visitando este blog y yo seguire posteando :)

Today it's been three years since my first post.
I'd like to thank you all for your constant visits and good feedback.
Keep visiting this blog and I'll keep posting :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Orlando Riva Sound + Tom Moulton

Aquí les dejo el super extended mix firmado por Tom "Dios" Moulton de "Moon Boots", tema de los alemanes Orlando Riva Sound, mas conocidos como ORS.
Se acaba de editar un doble single conteniendo esta joya y mixes alternativos de "Body To Body", el otro single de la banda.
La calidad de sonido es excelente y les recomiendo no perdereselo.
Out Of Stock en Flexx. y aun disponible en Piccadilly.

Here's a Tom "God" Moulton super extended miz for "Moon-Boots", a song by the German band Orlando Riva Sound, better known as ORS.
A double single containing this track and alternative mixes of "Body To Body" has been just released.
The sound quality is awesome, I strongly recommend to not miss this one.
Out of stock in Flexx and still availlable in Piccadilly.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

♥ Architeq

Durante la decada del 90 el hip hop se fusionó con generos denominados "serios" como la musica electronica concreta, el ambient y el jazz.
Algunos denominaron a esa mezcla "abstract hip hop" o "trip hop".
Hubo grandiosos discos de trip hop pero, como suele pasar, el genero se agoto en poco tiempo y se convirtio en el refugio de oportunistas compilados, y jazzmen con poco talento que veian que incorporando un beat de A Tribe Called Quest sobre sus insipidos jams lograban llamar la atención.
Pero todo vuelve, y el excitante primer disco de Architeq me recuerda que aun es posible mezclar de un modo original la crudeza de ritmos callejeros como el hip hop, y el electro con Stockhausen, Vangelis y Neu!.
El disco en cuestion se llama "Green + Gold" y salio por el prestigioso sello Tirk.
Aqui les dejo 2 de sus temas:

Architeq - Sleeping Bear Lament

During the nineties hip hop started to combine with other, so called "serious", genres such as concrete music, ambient and jazz.
Some named this mix "abstract hip hoop" or "trip hop"
There were some awesome trip hop records but after a short period of time the genre started to repeat itself and became a niche for not-so-great compilations and jazzmen with no talent that figured out that the simple fact of adding an A Tribe Called Quest to a mediocre jam can have press attention and eventually make money.
But all is cyclic, and the exciting debut album from Architeq reminds me that is still possible to mix street genres such as hip hop and electro with Stockhausen, Vangelis or Neu!
The record is called "Green + Gold" and is available on the prestigous Tirk label.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Alla por 1977 la banda de folklore chilena Los Jaivas edito Cancion Del Sur, disco en el que incorporó por primera vez sintetizadores analogicos y experimentó con la musica disco, omnipresente por aquel entonces.
Aqui dejo dos canciones resultantes de esta rara combinación entre folklore sudamericano y el afro disco neoyorkino.

Los Jaivas - Bebida Mágica

Los Jaivas - Sueño Del Inca

Back in 1977, the Chilean folk band Los Jaivas released the Cancion Del Sur album in which they added analog synths for the very first time and experimented with the disco music, omnipresent at that time. Here are 2 tracks resulting of this strange fusion between South American folk and the afro disco sound of New York.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This Man

This Man, especie de funk cósmico imparable creado por los desconocidos Phill & Friends Band, ha sido un single codiciado por coleccionistas, alcanzando precioes exhorbitantes en eBay.
Pero ahora por una modesta suma podes comprarte tu copia gracias a Flexx.

This Man, an stoppable cosmic funk track created by the unknown Phill & Friends Band, has been a highly coveted and rare single, reaching high pricec on eBay.
But now you can get your copy for an affordable price, thanks to the Flexx folks.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Zombie Zombie @ Micro Mutek

En solo pocas horas arranca la primera de las 3 fechas del festival Micro Mutek 2009 con la presencia estelar de Zombie Zombie!

Para mas informacion acerca del lineup pueden ir aqui.

Nos vemos!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Fatback Band x 2

Siempre me da la sensacion de que los Fatback Band no han tenido el reconocimiento que se merecen.
Aqui va este humilde post dedicado a ellos con 2 verdaderos monstruos funk.
El primero es su clasico "Do the Bus Stop" que dio nombre a un popular paso de baile durante la era disco.

El segundo tema es un edit de "Midnight Freak" realizado por el maestro Lee Douglas e incluido en el Volumen 3 de la serie de edits del sello Blackdisco.

I always have the feeling that Fatback Band doesn't have the recognition they deserve.
This is my humble tribute to them with two truly funk monsters.
The first one is the classic "Do the Bus Stop" which named a popular damce move during the disco era.
The second one is a "Midnight Freak" edit done by the master Lee Douglas and included in the Volume 3 of the Blackdisco's edit series.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Neanderthal Man

El hipnotico edit que Marcello Giordani realizó del olvidado Neanderthal Man de Robert Barre es de esos temas que quedan muy bien sonando en loop mode.
Compruebenlo ustedes mismos.

The hypnotic edit that Marcello Giordani did for the Robert Barre's forgotten Neanderthal Man is the kind of tracks that fits very well played in loop mode.
Check it by yourselves.

Monday, August 17, 2009


El eterno Soul Jazz Records acaba de lanzar uno de los grandes discos de 2009,
Subway II, lo nuevo de los ingleses Subway contiene todo lo necesario para aboandonar la superficie terrestre por un buen rato.

Subway - Lowlife

EDIT: muy buena entrevista y mix cortesia de FACT aqui.

The eternal Soul Jazz Records released one of the biggest records of 2009.
Subway II, the latest LP from the Subway has all the neccesary to leave the Earth surface for a while.

nice interview + mix here, courtesy of FACT magazine.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

I fall to pieces

Frustrated Funk acaba de inaugurar una auspiciosa serie llamada When Insanity Slips In.
Las tiradas de estos discos son ultra limitadas. Cada ejemplar es numerado y su arte de tapa es hecho de forma artesanal. Pero el lujo no termina en el packaging.
Los encargados de abrir la serie son The Hasbeens que en esta oportunidad bajan un poco los BPM pero conservan esa melancolía vocoderizada que nos pone la piel de gallina.

I fall to pieces se consigue en algunas disquerias, como esta o esta otra, pero hay que apurarse.

Frustrated Funk just started a new promising vinyl series called When Insanity Slips In.
It will have very limited pressings. Each unit is hand-numbered and has a handmade cover art. But the luxury doesnt end in the packaging.
The Hasbeens are the designated openers of the series. In this opportunity they lowered the BPM but keep intact their thrilling vocoderized meloncholy,
I fall to pieces is availlable in some record stores like this or this, but you need to hurry.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

Taurus is calling you...

Voice Of Taurus de Bruno Spoerri es un disco especial para freaks de los sintetizadores. Una gran cantidad de maquinas y excentricidades analogicas varias fueron usadas para este LP.
Aqui les dejo dos de sus temas mas "terrenales": "Hymn Of Taurus", una extraño proto electro que abre el disco y "Hallo World", una especie de space disco revisitado en 2006 por Soft Rocks.

Bruno Spoerri - Hymn Of Taurus

Bruno Spoerri - Hallo World

Voice of Taurus en version vinilo es toda una rareza, afortunadamente el sello Inzec tuvo la idea de relanzarlo aunque solo digitalmente.

Bruno Spoerri's Voice Of Taurus is a great record for synth freaks. Lots of machinery and analog excentricities were used for this LP.
Here are two of its most "terrestrial" tracks: "Hymn Of Taurus", a strange proto electro tune that opens the record and "Hallo World", kind of space disco revisited in 2006 by Soft Rocks.
This vinyl is quite a rarity. Fortunately Inzec Records had the idea of re issuing it, only in digital format though.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

John Cooper Clarke + Moxie

En Marzo de este año el sello Moxie edito un fantástico 12" firmado por los anónimos Pacific y Loverman.
El disco contiene en su lado A un edit de "(I Married A) Monster From Outer Space" del genial John Cooper Clarke, canción originalmente editada en 1978 y producida por otro genio: Martin Hannett.
El lado B contiene otras dos joyitas.
Les dejo el lado A.

Pacific - From Outer Space

Y como bonus... otro clásico de John Cooper Clarke.

In March of 2009 Moxie released a fantastic 12" signed by the anonnymous Pacific & Loverman.
The record has in the A side an edit of "(I Married A) Monster From Outer Space" from the legendary John Cooper Clarke. This track was originally released in 1978 and produced by another genius: Martin Hannett.
El B side contains two more jewells.
A must have!.
As a bonus here's another classic from John Cooper Clarke...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Disco Dancing With The Best

Daniel Wang editara en algunas semanas el compilado "The Balihu Years 1993-2008". que contendrá una selección de sus producciones bajo eu maravilloso label Balihu.
Como adelanto acaba de editarse un EP sampler que contiene 3 producciones, dos de ellas inéditas.
Esta es una de ellas:

Daniel Wang - Dancing With The Best

In a few weeks Daniel Wang will releasee the compilation "The Balihu Years 1993-2008" which will contain some of his productions under his impressive Balihu label.
As an advance Balihu has just released a Sampler EP containing 3 tracka, 2 of them are unreleased till date. This is one of them.

Monday, July 20, 2009

40 años...

They Came From The Stars, I Saw Them - Moon Song (Holy Ghost! Remix)

Nuevo Zeefungk

Los afamados Chicken Lips acaban de editar "Robot Eyes" bajo su alias Zeefungk.
Los 3 temas que contiene el 12"son destrozapistas. Mi favorito es este:

Chicken Lips Presents Zeefungk - Feast Of Freeks (Kotey's Tape Edit)

Se consigue en las mejores tiendas.

The acclaimed Chicken Lips just released Robot Eyes, under their Zeefungk alias. All 3 tracks in the 12" are dancefloor smashers. This is my favourite.
The record is available in the best stores.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jet Set

Dr John.

♥ this video.

♥ the track.
Dr John - Jet Set (Instrumental)

Friday, July 10, 2009

DAP026: Mike Burns Summer Voices Mix

El DJ, productor y maestro del edit Mike Burns nos envió este exquisita selección de temas. Y, si bien su titulo incluyes la palabra "summer", este mix es también perfecto para darle un poco de calor a las frias noches del hemisferio sur.
El verano esta aqui!

DJ, producer and edit maestro Mike Burns sent us this exquisite tune selection.
Even though the "summer" word is in the mix name, this is also perfect to add some heat to the cold Southern hemisphere's winter nights.
Summer is here, enjoy!

DJs Are Persons Episode 26 - Mike Burns Summer Voices Mix


War - Koronos
Alan Parsons Project - The Voice
Serge Gainsbourg - Discophotique
Wah Wah Watson - Good Friends
Marcello De Martino Rhythm & Brass Combination - Dynamic Run
Lalo Shifrin - Black Widow
J. Fiddy & S. Burdson - Moving Along (mikeBurns' Into Space Edit)
Phantom Hand Band - No More Fooling
Bill Withers - Railroad Man (Ashley Beedle Edit)
The Chequers - Get Up Stand Up
M+M - Black Stations White Stations (Instrumental)
Max-B - Nessa
Kalyan - Sweet Music
Odyssey - Going Back To My Roots
Jean-Yves Labat - USA

Thursday, July 09, 2009

DJ Joven Blog

Desde hace unos días un nuevo blog engalana la blogosfera.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Checoslovaquia año 78. Los músicos Petr Dvořák y Pavel Růžička, unidos por su pasión hacia la por entonces omnipresente música disco. crean el duo Petr and Pavel ORM y graban Discofil.
De mas esta decir que el disco es toda una rareza. Afortunadamente recientemente nuestros amigos de The Growing Bin acaban de postearlo.
Aca van 2 tracks como adelanto:

Petr & Pavel ORM - Víkend (Weekend)

Petr & Pavel ORM - Jen Dál A Víc A Líp (Further And More)

Czechoslovaquia, year 1978. Musicians Petr Dvořák y Pavel Růžička, joined by their common passion for disco and create the duo Petr and Pavel ORM and make Discofil. Needless to say, this record is quite a rarity, and our friends of the Growing Bin posted it recently. Here are two tracks in advance:

Monday, June 15, 2009


Espero hayan extrañado mucho este blog este último mes. He estado de vacaciones y luego con mucho trabajo. Pero aquí estoy nuevamente.

Moustache es un gran label. Sus bailables releases, estan siempre repletos de espiritu italo.
Les dejo un tema perteneciente al volumen 2 de su serie de compilados You Can Trust A Man With A Moustache.

Electrick Dragon - Davorite

El 12 se consigue en formato vinilo y digital.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Love Honey, Love Heartache

"Love Honey, Love Heartache", del "power trio" Man Friday, fue un himno de las excitantes noches del Paradise Garage.
En 2004, conmemorando el 25 aniversario de esta obra maestra, Vinylmania editó una edición especial con remixes y tomas inéditas hasta ese momento.
La versión que les dejo es la de Tom Moulton. Una joya de 10 minutos con una segunda mitad espacial increible en la que se puede ver el embrión de lo que surgiria 7 años despues: el house.

Man Friday - Love Honey, Love Heartache (A Tom Moulton Mix)

Friday, May 01, 2009

Night Train To Nowhere

Brian Auger: Personaje legendario de la escena Britanica, recordado musico de pop, psicodelia, folk, jazz, y ....

Incluido en el Cosmic Clun Mastercuts Vol 2....

Brian Auger - Night Train To Nowhere (Cosmic Club Mastercuts Edit)


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Magnificent Seven

El sello Claremont 56 editó hace algunas semanas Originals Volume Two, un impresionante compilado de oscuros clásicos en plan cosmic y balearic.
La elección de los tracks estuvo a cargo de Mark Seven.
Lo que hace imprescindible a este compilado es la excelente calidad de sonido de los tracks, muchos de ellos muy difíciles de conseguir a precios accesibles y en buenas condiciones, como es el caso de este tema del ignoto grupo holandés Joker.

Joker - African

African pertenece al único LP de Joker, una rareza que ha sido posteada recientemente en Italo Deviance.

Hay pocas unidades del compilado en stock, apurate!

A few weeks ago, Claremont 56 released "Originals Volume Two", an impressive compilation of obscure balearic and cosmic classics.
The track selection was made by Mark Seven.
What makes this compilation essential is the excellent sound quality of the tracks, many of them very difficult to get at affordable prices and in good condition. Like this one for example form the Dutch group Joker.
"African" belongs to the only Joker LP, a rarity that has been posted recently on Italo Deviance.
Few units in stock, hurry up!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Me gustan mucho los remixes del single Home del ascendente Bing Ji Ling, en especial el de los neoyorkinos The Phenomenal Handclap Band. una especie de híbrido entre el disco y el piano house.

Bing Ji Ling - Home (The Phenomenal Handclap Band Remix)

Los demás remixes están a cargo de Tokyo Black Star y Blackjoy.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hoy voy a musicalizar junto a DJ Joven una nueva edición de las fiestas Risco, en Le Bar.
Están todos invitados.
Le Bar queda en Tucuman 422, Buenos Aires.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Mammut, el impecable nuevo single de Prins Thomas, contiene como segundo tema en su cara A una rareza: un cover en plan afrodisco de Fizpatrick, clasico tema de Ricardo Villalobos.

Prins Thomas - Fizpatrick

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Typhoon: Portrait Of The Electronic Years

Synthonic acaba de lanzar un compilado dedicado a Typhoon, una discoteca fundamental en la escena alternativa Italiana de principios de los 80s.
Su DJ residente Beppe Loda es quien se ha encargado de seleccionar y, en algunos casos, remezclar los tracks de este compilado que van desde el infaltable italo hasta la new wave y el electro.
Este es uno de los track incluidos:

Chris & Cosey - Driving_Blind

El booklet del CD contiene notas y fotos de las legendarias noches del Typhoon.

Synthonic has just released a compilation dedicated to Typhoon, a fundamental nightclub for the Italian alternative scene during the early 80s.
His resident DJ Beppe Loda selected and, in some cases, remixed the tracks of this compilation that go from the inevitable Italo to the new wave and electro.
The CD booklet contains articles and photos of the legendary Typhoon nights.