Saturday, July 10, 2010

Aux 88 + Anthony Rother

El label belga Echoism acaba de editar un 12" con remixes de clásicos tracks del legendario dúo de Detroit Aux 88. En su lado A se encuentra esta terrible y ganchera relectura de Voice Modulation a cargo del maestro Anthony Rother.

Aux 88 - Voice Modulation (Anthony Rother Remix)

The Belgian label Echoism just released a 12" with remixes of three legendary tracks of Detroit's finest Aux 88.
The record has in its A side this awesome and catchy rework of Voice Modulation done by maestro Anthony Rother.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

A few things from Ivan Smagghe

Ivan Smagghe, uno de mis DJs preferidos desde siempre, inauguró hace algunas semanas su propio blog en el que publica noticias, fechas, sabrosos edits de fabricación propia y joyitas de su frondosa colección de discos. Pueden visitarlo cliqueando aqui.
Ademas les recomiendo que no dejen de escuchar su mix para Beats In Space que no tiene desperdicio.

Some weeks ago Ivan Smagghe, one of my all time favorite DJs, has started his own blog, in which he publishes news, next dates, tasteful edits and jewels of his huge record collection. You can check it clicking here.
Also, i recommend you to not miss his great mix for Beats In Space.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Jaakko Eino Kalevi

Un nuevo nórdico grosso.
Jaakko Eino Kalevi, un muchacho oriundo de Helsinki edito en marzo de este año su primer disco llamado Modern Life: un compendio de electrofunk, elecotronica espacial, new wave y excentricidades varias.
Aquí van 2 temas: el funkadelico I Wanna Win y el jam francoparlante Macho y el video de su primer single Poison.

Jaakko Eino Kalevi - Macho

Jaakko Eino Kalevi - I Wanna Win

POISON - IKWN / Jaakko Eino Kalevi from miikka lommi on Vimeo.

There's a new Nordic genius in the horizon.
Helsinki's Jaakko Eino Kalevi released his first LP named Modern Life. The album is a big salad full of electrofunk, space electronica, new wave and various eccentricities.
Here are 2 tracks, the funkadelic "I Wanna Win" and the french spoken jam "Macho", and also the video of the single Poison.