Saturday, November 18, 2006


Es hora de empezar a bloguear!

En estas semanas hemos contactado a mucha gente y afortunadamente la mayoria ha accedido a hacer mixes para nosotros, es decir, para ustedes.

Tambien en extensas reuniones hemos decidido que:

1. Djs Are Persons va a tener mp3! Hurrah!
2. Djs Are Persons intentará ser bilingue (español - ingles). Por favor, lectores, sepan disulpar nuestro primitvo uso del lenguaje.

Bueno... ya mismo arrancamos posteando con un par de temas "INGLES ESPAÑOL".

El primero es un oscuro clasico de las discotecas de los 80s. El nombre del artista es Lefturno (alias del productor Roy Be) , y el sello es Ascot. La parte rapeada en español es genial. Si les gustan los Chicken Lips van a disfrutar esto:

Lefturno - Out Of Sight

El segundo es un clasico absoluto: Transitions del legendario proyecto detroitiano Underground Resistance. Un tema que me catalogariamos como house de autoayuda :)

Underground Resistance - Transition


It's time to start blogging!

In the last weeks we've contacted lots of djs and producers and fortunately most of them said yes to make a mix for us, I mean, for you.

Also, in large meetings we've decided:

1. To make DJs Are Persons an mp3 blog! Hurrah!
2. To make DJs Are Persons bilingual, English and Spanish spoken. You readers: sorry in advance for our primitive use of the language.

So...we'll begin to post some "ENGLISH SPANISH" tracks.

The first one is an obscure classic from the 80s discotheques. The artist name is Lefturno (alias for the producer Roy Be), and the label is Ascot. The Spanish rapped part is pure genius. If you like Chicken Lips you gonna enjoy this.

The second one in an absolute classic: Transitions from the Detroit legendary project Underground Resistance. A track we would catalogue as self help house :)

1 comment:

sebaxxxtian said...

el mp3 de UR no esta mas disponible

que bueno el blog

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