Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
DJs Are Persons....At Night @ Polite - 26/4

Are Persons.
Durante estos primeros 6 meses hemos crecido muchísimo y cumplido nuestro principal objetivo que es el de promocionar músicos y DJs de todo el mundo. Era hora de festejar!
El line up en esta ocasión esta conformado por el legendario Juanma Grillo, DJ residente de Podesta y Polite y por Premini , productor, responsable de DJs Are Persons y también integrante del proyecto Lovely Chords.
Ojalá puedan venir, escuchar algo de musica y relajarse un poco.
Los esperamos.
Polite queda en Honduras 5560, Palermo.
Pueden hacer reservas al 4770-9494
La entrada es libre y gratuita..
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Sunday Paracetamol
Les dejo algunas joyitas de Ulrich Schnauss, un viejo nuevo showgazer, quien esta a punto de sacar su 3er disco por el sello Independiente.
A volar!

Ulrich Schnauss - Stars (2007)
Ulrich Schnauss - Between Us and Them (2003)
Ulrich Schnauss - On My Own (2003)
Justin Robertson pres. Revtone - Love Movement (Ulrich Schnauss Remix) (2003)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
DAP008: Bulimiatron!
Ya esta online el episodio 8.

En su primera parte tenemos un corrosivo mixtape a cargo del muy inquieto y no menos talentoso BULIMIATRON! que incluye varias de sus producciones.
01 - BUL!M!ATRON! - Rainbow Robot [Intro] 02 - BUL!M!ATRON! - Hott & Bothered
03 - The Rapture - Get Myself Into It
04 - BUL!M!ATRON - Satisfaction Stomp Remix [Benny Benassi]
05 - The Presets - Down Down Down
06 - BUL!M!ATRON! - Lips Like Velvet
07 - SPRFCKR - ??? [exclusive track]
08 - BUL!M!ATRON! - Smack Dat Ass
09 - Duke Dumont - Pop Dat Pussy
10 - BUL!M!ATRON! - Glowstix
11 - Lasaro Casanova - Daft Punk v.s Justice
12 - BUL!M!ATRON! - $EX
13 - Peter Bjorn Och John - Young Folks 14 - BUL!M!ATRON! - Tinker Toys
15 - The Teenagers - Homecoming (STD54Remix) 16 - BUL!M!ATRON! - More Cowbell, Bitch!
17 - Glass Candy - Glue Your Eyelids Together
19 - Arab on Radar - Molar System
20 - BUL!M!ATRON! - FUNK in da TRUNK
21 - Franz Ferdinand - The Fallen (Justice Remix)
22 - BUL!M!ATRON! - Le Jolt!
Pueden bajar y/o escuchar el mix ACA
En la segunda parte preparamos un mix mucha no wave, cowbells y ritmos gélidos como para mover el esqueleto.
Judy Nylon - Jailhouse Rock
Serge Gainsbourg - Love on the beat
Dottore's Kranky Disco Band - Dodln
Units - High Pressure Days
Material - Dark Things
Was (not Was) - Tell Me that I'm Dreaming
Winners - Get Ready (DJ Harvey Edit)
ESG - Moody (A New Mood)
Exkurs - Fakten Sind Terror
Liquid Liquid - Bell Head
Hanson And Davis - Tonight (Dub)
Shock - Dream Games (R.E.R.B. mix)
Chris & Cosey - October Love Song (Dance Mix)
Suzy Andrews - Teenage Iceage
Propaganda - Frozen Faces (12" Version)
Pueden bajar y/o escuchar el mix ACA
Acka Raga

Alguna vez escuche esta canción en una pelicula y ahora volvió a aparecer en el tremendo mix que realizo JUSTINE D para la serie MX... del sello RVNG.
Los Shocking Blue eran holandeses, si máximo hit fue Venus y no se nada mas.
Ahora prendan unos sahumerios y suban el volumen...
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Born to be blogged
Thou shalt not steal if there is direct victim.
Thou shalt not worship pop idols or follow lost prophets.
Thou shalt not take the names of Johnny Cash, Joe Strummer, Johnny Hartman, Desmond Decker, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix or Syd Barret in vain.
Thou shalt not think that any male over the age of 30 that plays with a child that is not their own is a peadophile… Some people are just nice.
Thou shalt not read NME.
Thall shalt not stop liking a band just because they’ve become popular.
Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry.
Thou shalt not judge a book by it’s cover.
Thou shalt not judge Lethal Weapon by Danny Glover.
Thall shalt not buy Coca-Cola products. Thou shalt not buy Nestle products.
Thou shalt not go into the woods with your boyfriend’s best friend, take drugs and cheat on him.
Thou shalt not fall in love so easily.
Thou shalt not use poetry, art or music to get into girls’ pants. Use it to get into their heads.
Thou shalt not watch Hollyoakes.
Thou shalt not attend an open mic and leave as soon as you're done just because you’ve finished your shitty little poem or song you self-righteous prick.
Thou shalt not return to the same club or bar week in, week out just ’cause you once saw a girl there that you fancied but you’re never gonna fucking talk to.
Thou shalt not put musicians and recording artists on ridiculous pedestals no matter how great they are or were.
The Beatles - Were just a band.
Led Zepplin - Just a band.
The Beach Boys - Just a band.
The Sex Pistols - Just a band.
The Clash - Just a band.
Crass - Just a band.
Minor Threat - Just a band.
The Cure - Just a band.
The Smiths - Just a band.
Nirvana - Just a band.
The Pixies - Just a band.
Oasis - Just a band.
Radiohead - Just a band.
Bloc Party - Just a band.
The Arctic Monkeys - Just a band.
The next big thing - JUST A BAND.
Thou shalt give equal worth to tragedies that occur in non-English speaking countries as to those that occur in English speaking countries.
Thou shalt remember that guns, bitches and bling were never part of the four elements and never will be.
Thou shalt not make repetitive generic music
Thou shalt not make repetitive generic music
Thou shalt not make repetitive generic music
Thou shalt not make repetitive generic music
Thou shalt not pimp my ride.
Thou shalt not scream if you wanna go faster.
Thou shalt not move to the sound of the wickedness.
Thou shalt not make some noise for Detroit.
When I say “Hey” thou shalt not say “Ho”.
When I say “Hip” thou shalt not say “Hop”.
When I say "he say, she say, we say, make some noise" - kill me.
Thou shalt not quote me happy.
Thou shalt not shake it like a polaroid picture.
Thou shalt not wish your girlfriend was a freak like me.
Thou shalt spell the word “Pheonix” P-H-E-O-N-I-X not P-H-O-E-N-I-X, regardless of what the Oxford English Dictionary tells you.
Thou shalt not express your shock at the fact that Sharon got off with Bradley at the club last night by saying “Is it”.
Thou shalt think for yourselves.
And thou shalt always kill.
Se compra aca.