Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hi all, sorry for the lack of posts lately, I am taking my two annual and well deserved vacation weeks.
I am currently in Paris so, if you have some recommendations, please leave them in the comments.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Caribbean Girl

Si bien por estas latitudes ya comienza a sentirse el frío, cada vez que escucho Caribbean Girl, nuevo 12" del lituano Mario Basanov, me dan ganas de desenroscarme la bufanda.

Mario Basanov - Caribbean Girl


Even though we're starting to feel cold in these latitudes, every time I listen Caribbean Girl, the Lithuanian Mario Basanov's new 12", I untie my scarf.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

I'm Not Scared

Eighth Wonder, la banda pop de los hermanos Jamie y Patsy Kensit, tuvo mucho éxito a mediados de los 80s.
Algunos de sus hits fueron compuestos por la creme de los compositores de esa época. Entre ellos se encontraban Neil Tennant y Chris Love, mas conocidos como Pet Shop Boys, quienes les compusieron I'm Not Scared.
El tema tuvo un gran éxito, sobre todo en Italia, quizas haya sido por su sonido italo.
Aqui les dejo una gloriosa dub version del increible DJ y productor italiano SirBilly.

Eighth Wonder - I'm Not Scared (SirBilly Re-Dub)

Bonus video :)

Eighth Wonder, the pop group formed by the brothers Jamie y Patsy Kensit, had huge success during the second half of the 80s. Some of their hits were composed by the creme of the songwtters of that time. One of them was the duo formed by Neil Tennant y Chris Love, better known as Pet Shop Boys. They wrote I'm Not Scared. The song was a big hit, mostly in Italy, maybe because of its Italo-esque sound
Here's a glorious dub version made by the always awesome DJ and producer